Entries by Ramzan Muhammad

An amazing year at e-conomic

2013 is almost over, and I’d like to take the opportunity to look back on a truly amazing year at e-conomic – highlighted by our acquisition by HgCapital, great growth in all areas, and exciting new product initiatives. New owners The single biggest event of the year was without a doubt the acquisition of e-conomic […]

Danish IT-star is going to invest 1 billion EUR

DANISH text Engelske HG Capital har hyret succesrige Torben Frigaard Rasmussen til at pege på investeringsmuligheder i Norden for over 1 mia. euro  Med en pengekasse på over 1 mia. euro (knap 7,5 mia. kr.) går den engelske kapitalfond HG Capital nu målrettet på opkøb blandt virksomheder i Norden. Fonden med hovedkvarter i London købte sidste år den danske it-virksomhed […]

TV2 News – Torben Frigaard, Mobile Industrial Robots

On 30th of March 2017, Danish Prime Minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, paid a visit to Washington, D.C. to meet U.S. President Donald Trump. At the same time, I’ve paid a visit to Mobile Industrial Robots headquarter in Odense, Denmark – one of the companies that watched Danish Prime Minister’s visit very closely. As a chairman of Mobile […]

Investing in the media of the future.. and much more

I am very much looking forward to being a part of the exciting initiative that Fyens Stiftstidende and the Funen Magazine Fund are behind. You can read a more detailed description of what the newspaper wrote about the project right here: https://www.fyens.dk/modules/mobile/article?articleid=3232975

Guld og grønne skove – og så alligevel ikke

Personlige beretninger om en helt simpel investering, der blev til store tab – og om den lange, seje kamp for at vinde det tabte tilbage I 2008 investerede jeg nogle penge i JIHMO – på anbefaling fra Jyske Bank og Jyske Invest, hvis fine prospekt lovede guld og grønne skove med fornuftigt afkast på en […]

Death of a salesman, this is a for real

I try to tell this to lots of companies everyday. Are you ready for this change? How is you online presence? Are you ready to sell,service and support you customers 100% online? Read article (Danish)

Passing the torch

After more than 5 years at e-conomic, the time has come to pass the torch: I’m happy to share that Mogens Elsberg will take over as CEO in e-conomic by the end of this month, continuing the journey to take e-conomic to the next level. It’s been a great ride and I’m truly honored and […]

Guld og grønne skove podkast

I september rammer vi tiåret for finanskrisen, der væltede nationer, banker og investorer. Undertegnede (Torben Frigaard Rasmussen) og Peter Beha Wagner har skrevet en bog om deres tab under krisen, og deres kamp for at vinde de tabte mio. tilbage i et sagsanlæg mod Jyske Invest. Lau Svenssen tager imod dagens marked, der bl.a. byder […]

HgCapital works with Danish IT expert on Nordic acquisitions

Front page article in Denmark’s BORSEN WEEKEND, 12 September 2014. Translated from Danish. The U.K.-based private equity investor HgCapital has hired a successful Danish businessman, the IT expert Torben Frigaard Rasmussen, to provide advice in regards to a potential investment of €1 billion in Nordic opportunities. HgCapital, a private equity firm with funds of more than […]

Umbraco-as-a-Service: changing the way we approach web solutions

At the heart (and the start) of Umbraco is “U”. Umbraco powers over 400,000 websites in 169 countries worldwide. It records over 10,000 monthly installs and is backed by an active community following of over 180,000 craftspeople globally. It is the friendly Content Management System that will act as a vehicle for your creativity. In […]